Minister of Music Job Description & Application

Please see the description below, and fill out the form at the bottom of the page if you are interested in the position and feel led to apply. Someone from our search team will follow up with you after receiving your form submission.

Thank you,

IBC Music Minister Search Team


Minister of Music Job Description

Principle Function

The Minister of Music is responsible to the pastor for assisting the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive music ministry. He shall make regular reports to the church through the business meetings.

Personal Qualities

The Minister of Music is a Ministerial Staff member and as such will meet the following qualifications:

  1. Each staff member will believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Holy Scriptures (see 2 Tim. 3:16).

  2. All ministerial staff will be those persons who possess a definite salvation experience through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ (see John 3:3), and are able to give a verbal witness in their saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. They will sense a call from the Lord Jesus for their vocational ministry of service (see John 20:21).

  4. They shall be Baptist in belief and practice (see Acts 2:41-42), and be in full agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 statement.

  5. They should be trained and/or experienced in the area to which they are called to serve (see Exodus 36:1; 1 Chronicles 15:22), including being able to use technology and/or willing to learn how to use technology in worship services.

  6. They will maintain private and family devotions before God (see Deut. 6:7 and 1 These. 5:17).

  7. They will be a personal soul-winner for the Lord Jesus Christ and supporter of church-wide programs of evangelism (see Acts 1:8).

  8. They will practice good stewardship by giving of their tithes (see Lev. 27:30 & 32), and led of the Holy Spirit in their free-will offerings (see 2 Cor. 9:7).

  9. They will always strive to conduct themselves in a manner that honors the Lord Jesus Christ in both dress and conduct (see Titus 2:11-14 and 1 Pet. 2:11-12).

  10. They will be a member of Immanuel Baptist Church and abide by the Church Covenant and Constitution.

  11. They will be supportive of all ministries/programs of the church (Phil. 2:2).


  1. Work with the pastor in planning and directing the music for all worship and special services of the church.

  2. Develop and supervise a music program including the enlistment of volunteer musicians, both instrumental and vocal.

  3. Ensure the selection of theologically-sound music.

  4. Maintain the Music Library, both print and digital, to include digital reporting.

  5. Be responsible to see that all musical instruments are adequately maintained and tuned.

  6. Recommend and supervise budget funds in keeping with church policy.

  7. Serve as a member of the church council.

  8. Desires to help develop a devout atmosphere in worship and teach the entire congregation the importance of singing God's praises for His glory alone!